Ryan Aguirre

Ryan Aguirre

"With great power comes great responsibility."

College: Music
Degree Program: Music Education
Degree: Doctorate

Award: McKnight Dissertation Fellowship (2018)


Why FSU?

The reputation of FSU’s College of Music and the esteemed faculty.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

Desire to research and work with future teachers in higher education

Importance and impact of research

My research has the potential to decrease implicit bias with regard to race, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, age, and country of origin.

Career aspirations

I hope to get a job at a university so that I can research and work with future teachers. I hope to instill values of social justice in the music educators of the future.

Advice for prospective graduate students

Make time for self-care during your studies! Also, make sure you are establishing friendships with your colleagues (you cannot operate in a silo!). These friends will help you get a job someday.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I am most proud that I have two publications coming out of my doctoral program. I hope to have more this spring (fingers crossed!). I am also quite proud of my McKnight Dissertation Fellowship!